A great place in the lives of the representatives of the strong half of humanity is occupied by their sexual relations. After the age of 35, many men experience erectile dysfunction. But problems in men's intimate life can also occur at a fairly young age. Poor erection has its causes of development:
- Psychoemotional disorders;
- Overload, stress, nervous tension;
- Presence of chronic diseases;
- Sedentary lifestyle;
- Improper diet, etc.

Often, the use of unhealthy foods leads to the creation of various sexual disorders, including impotence. Many men prefer semi-finished, fast food. Lack of complete food causes the development of pathologies in the digestive tract, causes the accumulation of cholesterol and causes a breakdown in metabolic processes. In the future, the above-mentioned negative consequences may lead to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases, the development of which will negatively affect the male reproductive system. Increased body weight due to malnutrition can not only interfere with the normal functioning of body structure, but also weaken potency. Erection products will help you in this situation. What is useful for the representatives of the strong half of humanity? What foods improve erections?
When patients first turn to specialists with a request to eliminate sexual disorders that have occurred, doctors often advise organizing a healthy diet for erection, her menu includes various aphrodisiacs, their healing properties improve male potency.
A man's diet should be balanced, products enriched with useful microelements, vitamin complexes, various essential amino acids, etc. Because it is through food that a person gets the necessary elements for the functioning of their organs. Properly composed nutritious diet is able to normalize erectile function.
Food for men should be different:
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- selenium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- calcium.
Vitamin complexes of groups A, B, E will be useful for men's health. Zinc, selenium strengthen the immune system of the strong half of humanity, normalize the processes of the nervous system. Also, components are involved in testosterone synthesis, zinc has a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improving the quality characteristics of sperm. A normal level of essential components in the body is characterized by the absence of problems with potency. Useful microelements can be taken as a separate vitamin complex by buying in a pharmacy chain, or you can adjust your diet menu - erection-enhancing products can eliminate sexual disorders and normalize intimate male life.

Erection diet
A man with food receives the required amount of components that have a beneficial effect on the erection process. Many members of the strong half of humanity often think - What foods increase erections? Are these special dishes that require complex preparation in several stages or simple food? Erection enhancement products are not uncommon or difficult to find, they can be bought in any chain store:
- Chicken / quail eggs;
- Various nuts;
- Some species of fish;
- Olive oil;
- Dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream;
- Lean meat;
- Dark chocolate;
- Sea food;
- Vegetables - radishes, cabbage, beets, garlic, carrots, beets, onions;
- Fruits - bananas, avocados, mangoes;
- Spicy cabbage - anise, celery, St. John's wort, basil, parsley, cilantro, thyme;
- Natural coffee.
The potency diet contains a product with caffeine, the use of which is explained by its main feature, namely, strengthening the process of cardiac activity, which increases the release of adrenaline. The nervous system reacts to irritating factors, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is activated. But it should be borne in mind that drinking large amounts of coffee can cause sudden drops in blood pressure, so only a moderate intake of this beverage can be beneficial for male potency.

For some men, the above foods are included in their daily diet, but many do not consume even a quarter of this list. But these ingredients for improving erection are rich in vitamin complexes A, E, B, which play an important role in the presence of sexual power in men, because they clean the walls of blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the penis area.
harmful products
The use of certain products can cause irreparable damage to men's health, contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.
The following nutrients are not recommended:
- Fast food;
- So what;
- Use of potatoes in large quantities;
- Sausages;
- rice;
- Beer;
- Bakery elements (except black and white bread without yeast);
- Carbonated beverages, energy drinks;
- Coffee in large quantities.

We must also keep in mind that the use of antidepressants, smoking, drug use can negatively affect the functioning of the male reproductive system.
The main products that improve erection
Potency products often contain natural cocoa, some of its properties have a positive effect on sexual activity:
- According to the results of research, the use of natural chocolate has a positive effect on the erection process - there is a dilation of blood vessels, increased blood flow;
- Natural cocoa contains flanovoles - antioxidants that increase the number of functional angiogenic cells that provide vascular tone;
- Real cocoa products are able to enhance the production of nitrogen oxides, which results in improved erection quality;
- Intake of natural dark chocolate, cocoa powder, created by cooled technological methods, can help men to normalize potency, eliminate sexual impotence.

Also in the menu of a man suffering from erectile dysfunction should be present the following products to increase erection:
- Garlic has long been considered an excellent means of improving erections - it increases the speed of blood circulation, it is involved in the production of male sex hormones, or testosterone. This product activates certain enzymes responsible for the formation of nitrogen oxides;
- Pomegranate refers to useful products that increase male potency - it has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular structure, the reproduction of testosterone. The use of fresh fruit, natural pomegranate juice significantly increases the formation of nitrogen oxides, preventing the development of oxidative phenomena;
- Spinach is saturated with natural nitrates, which are converted into nitrogen oxides in the structure of the male body. This product increases testosterone levels, resulting in activation of erectile function;
- Nuts are a wonderful remedy for the reproductive system. Walnut intake normalizes blood pressure, increases the production of nitrogen oxides, increasing the quality characteristics of sperm.